Take Summer- and Year-Round Reading to Another Level

Manage your reading programs and increase engagement with Wandoo Reader

Increase year-round reading program engagement with Wandoo Reader

Want to keep summer and year-round reading on your community’s radar?

Family Registration and Management

By consolidating family accounts, Wandoo Reader allows families to set up, log in to and manage each member’s reading logs and “challenges” from one central account.

Fun for Everyone

With expanded “challenges,” game-like features, and multiple themes, you can engage people of all ages. Wandoo Reader allows you to build programs around experiences, in addition to more-traditional logging activities, like tracking books and minutes.

On-the-Go Program Participation

People can access their reading program account when and where they want to, because Wandoo Reader is available on computers, tablets, and smartphones.

“Since Wandoo Reader handles the program logistics, our time is more freed up to interact with patrons and promote summer reading through events and displays.”

Emma DeLooze-Klein, Director of Adult Services

Kirkwood Public Library, MO

“Wandoo Reader has helped tremendously with returning users, especially families. It used to take 15 minutes to sign them up, but now it takes less than five. And parents only need to remember a single username and password instead of one for each family member. Parents love it, and they also love being able to log the books and pages that they read with kids as part of the parents’ log.”

Andrea Sowers, Teen Services Librarian

Joliet Public Library, IL

“Wandoo Reader makes it easy to build our sponsorship program. We can tell businesses how many people participated in the program, visited the library on kickoff day, and logged in and saw our sponsors’ logos the previous year. The stats that we can easily pull from Wandoo Reader help potential sponsors see a return on their investment.”

Rachel Johannigmeier, Director of Youth Services

Kirkwood Public Library, MO

“The ever-expanding list of challenges gave patrons an excuse to log on frequently, if not every day. We not only kept patrons interested, but also increased circulation and program attendance while we were at it.”

Deborah Long, Adult and Teen Services Manager

Louisville Public Library, OH

Frequently Asked Questions

What kinds of reports are available within Wandoo Reader?

Wandoo Reader’s reporting features make it easy for libraries to build customized reports using any data point collected within Wandoo Reader — that includes patron- and program-specific reports, as well as reports that gauge the overall success of the individual challenges and prizes offered through your reading programs. Users can save reports, which takes the guesswork out of running weekly or monthly participation logs. All reports can be exported to CSV, which you can easily view and manipulate in a data analysis program, such as Microsoft Excel.

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